First Farmers & Merchants is here to help you grow.
The process of getting a farm loan can be intimidating and overwhelming, making it important to choose a bank that can guide you through the process. Our lenders have the knowledge and experience to create a financing solution that meets the needs of your operation.
Whether you are looking to expand your operation, take advantage of a new opportunity or just manage day-to-day operational expenses, we can help you access the farm financing you need.
Operating Lines of Credit
- We offer revolving lines of credit, non-revolving lines of credit, and grain inventory loans. These are effective tools to help smooth out the cash flow variabilities experienced during an annual production cycle.
- Operating loan products can be used to cover crop inputs as well as other farm operating expenses.
Real Estate and Construction Loans
- Whether you are looking to purchase, refinance, build, or make improvements, First Farmers & Merchants has the financing solutions to meet your agriculture real estate needs.
- Our customized products can help provide funding for farm land, grain bins, machinery sheds, and livestock buildings.
- Lease options are also available.
Livestock Loans
- We offer several loan products to help you start, grow, or diversify your livestock operation.
- Livestock loan products can be used to cover the purchase of livestock as well as feed and operating expenses related to your livestock operation.
Equipment Loans
- At First Farmers & Merchants Bank, we make our credit decisions locally to help you purchase new or used equipment.
- From tractors and planters to combines and grain carts, we offer equipment loan products to improve the efficiencies of your operation.
- Lease options are also available.
Specialized Loans
- Agriculture Best Management Practices - Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Ag BMP loan program is a water quality program that provides low interest financing to farmers, rural landowners, and agriculture supply businesses to encourage agricultural best management practices that prevent or reduce runoff from feedlots, farm fields, and other pollution problems identified by the county in local water plans.
- Farm Service Agency - We work cooperatively with the USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) to help farmers get the financing needed to start, expand, or maintain a family farm.
- Rural Finance Authority - Minnesota Department of Agriculture’s Rural Finance Authority (RFA) is the state’s main agricultural lending division. RFA offers several low-interest loan programs for a variety of farm activities.
- Farmer Mac - Secondary market for agricultural credits that provides longer term real estate loans (at participating banks).
- Beginning Farmers - We work closely with the next generation of farmers. They are the future of Agriculture. We work cooperatively with FSA (Farm Service Agency) and RFA (Rural Finance Authority) to create the financial solutions needed to allow you and your operation to hit the ground running.
Loans subject to credit approval.